Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Knowledge Diffusion and the Patent System: Evidence from the Invention Secrecy Act (with G. de Rassenfosse and G. Pellegrino). International Journal of Industrial Organization (Accepted).
Discrimination in the patent system: Evidence from standard-essential patents (with G. de Rassenfosse and R. Bekkers). Journal of Law & Economics (In press).
Patents and knowledge diffusion: The impact of Machine Translation (with B. Buettner and M. Firat). Research Policy, 51.10 (2022): DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2022.104584
Technology protectionism and the patent system: Evidence from China (with G. de Rassenfosse). The Journal of Industrial Economics, 70.1 (2022): 1-43. DOI:10.1111/joie.12261
Buyers' role in innovation procurement: Evidence from US military R&D contracts (with F. Decarolis, G. de Rassenfosse, L.M. Giuffrida, E. Iossa, V. Mollisi, and G. Spagnolo). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 30.4 (2021): 697-720. DOI:10.1111/jems.12430
The procurement of innovation by the US government (with G. de Rassenfosse and A. Jaffe). PloS one, 14.8 (2019): e0218927. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0218927
A time to nourish? Evaluating the impact of public procurement on technological generality through patent data. Research Policy, 47.5 (2018). DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2018.02.017
Demand-side vs. supply-side technology policies: Hidden treatment and new empirical evidence on the policy mix (with M. Guerzoni). Research Policy, 44.3 (2015): 726-747. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2014.10.009
Privacy evaluation: what empirical research on users' valuation of personal data tells us (with F. Morando and R. Iemma). Internet Policy Review 3.2 (2014): 1-12.
Book chapters (peer-reviewed):
More of the same or something different? Technological originality and novelty in public procurement-related patents (In press). In: Cantner, Uwe, Guerzoni, Marco and Vannuccini, Simone (eds.) Handbook of research methods and applications in industrial dynamics and evolutionary economics. Edward Elgar.
Pilot study for essentiality assessment of Standard Essential Patents (with Bekkers et. al, 2020), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, JRC119894, DOI:10.2760/68906.
Landscape Study of Potentially Essential Patents Disclosed to ETSI ( with R. Bekkers, A. Martinelli, E. M. Tur), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, JRC121411, DOI:10.2760/313626.